Wii Are the Champions Mii Freind
It's a still a little early to tell but I'm going to call it. This generation of video games belongs to Nintendo. It doesn't take a genius to figure this out. It doesn't even take a hippie. I decided to take some time to answer some of the questions you may be asking yourself.
So were did Sony go wrong with the Playstation 3?
Well for one thing no one can afford it because Sony decided to shove a Blu-Ray drive into your video game system.
Why are what used to be PS3 3rd party Exclusives being moved to the XBox 360?
PS3 is $649.99! The Game sold per system ratio is poor. XBox has a greater installed user base.
The PS3 Controller is pretty "Bad Ass" though?
No rumble feedback and tilt sensor technology that Nintendo used on the GameBoy color with "Kirby's Tilt and Tumble". That's not "Bad" that's just bad...
So can you actually watch Blu-Ray movies on my PS3?
Yeah! Can you believe it? It seems like it was just yesterday when I didn't watch DVD's on my Playstation 2.
What games should I get if I get a PS3?
Well Resistance is exclusive to the PS3. I would get a whole bunch of players choice PS2 games there is God of War, Shadow of the Colossus, the entire Grand Theft Auto series. Chances are if your any sort of a gamer you already have a PS2 though.
I hear the Wii is just basically a GameCube with a different controller. Why does Nintendo's outdated technology have the advantage over the PS3?
Let me give you a couple examples. What game is better the original Pac Man or Pac Man World 3? Sonic the Hedgehog 2 or Sonic Adventure? Castlevania: SOTN or Castlevania 64? If you answered the first game in each consecutive question congratulations. It doesn't take the best technology to make the best games. Sony has spent the last 10 years with systems (PS2 and Playstation) technically inferior to their competition and for the last 10 years they have been dominating the home console market. Now they are telling us that advanced technology is what makes a system?
Does Sony's PS3 have the best Graphics at least?
Well it is suppose to. So far every title to appear on PS3 and Xbox 360 looks better on the XBox 360. Eventually the PS3 should have better looking games though. Of course alot of people thought the Playstation 2 had better graphics than the Game Cube, Playstation had better graphics than the Nintendo 64 and the Genesis had better Graphics than the Super Nintendo. The graphics war is and always has been totally irrelevant.
You can Download 700+ old Playstation games on PS3 that's way better than Nintendo's Virtual Console right?
You need a PSP to play old Playstation games. You can't play them on the PS3 at all. Besides what would you rather Play Super Mario Bros or Tomb Raider.
I would rather play Tomb Raider cause Lara Croft is so hot!
What? How about Princess Peach from Super Mario Bros? She's like way hotter and she's blonde!
So what! Princess Peach is like a little girl!
What are you talking about? Why would Mario be going out with her.
Who said Mario was going out with her?
No one but it's kind of implied. Why would she make cakes for him otherwise?
That doesn't mean anything! My Grandma makes cakes for me all the time!
Maybe your spending to much time with your Grandmother....
STFU! Seriously though who's hotter Angelina Jolie or Samantha Mathis?
What the hell does that have to do with anything?
Samantha Mathis was the Princess in the Super Mario Bros movie and Angelina Jolie was Lara Croft in the Tomb Raider movie.
First off the princess in the super Mario Bros movie was Princess Daisy. Second who the hell is Samantha Mathis? Thirdly there was no Super Mario Bros Movie.
Why are there an imdb link in you very answer then?
.....fake interview over!