Kid Icarus Wii Virtual Console Review
System: Nintendo Entertainment System
Developed: Nintendo R&Di (Intellegent Sytems) and TOSE.
Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 1987
VC Release: February 12 2007
Genre: Platform Action
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E (for everyone)
Difficulty: Impossible
✔ Good
Gameplay ★★★
Graphics ★★★
Music/ Sound ★★★★
Replay Value ★★★★★
Age Value ★★★
Overall Rating ★★★★
*out of five stars
-gameplay graphics music/sound replay value are rated for its time
-age value is how the game stands up today
-Overall rating is based on the game as a whole
★= Recomended Must Buy / ✔= Good / ●= Average / ✘= Bad
If Metroid, The Legend of Zelda and Super Mario Bros had to join together to fight an oversized Japanese style monster the outcome would be Kid Icarus. Having said that it's not quite as good as the aformetioned games but then again those game set the bar pretty high.
This game was actually built with the same engine as Mertroid and uses a password system to save progress much the same. On the virtual console this is almost completely unnessesary because the Wii will save your current progress unless you restart, reset or turn the power off. Also the Virtual Console game does not support the special passwords such as ICARUS FIGHTS MEDUSA ANGELS for unlimited life or DANGER !!!!!! TERROR HORROR for invicibility on the last level. Nintendo does tell you before you by the game however and only cheater will really care.
The graphics are comparable with Metroid or Super Mario Bros and pretty standard for the time it was release.
The music and sound is brilliant for it's time. The music was composed by Hirokazu Tanaka who also composed the music for Metriod, Balloon Fight, Mother Series (Earthbound) and many other big projects for Nintendo.
The gameplay is a cross between Super Mario Bros combined with Metroid. There is alot of platforming but the control and responsiveness is like Metroid. Which worked great fo metriod but not as well in this type of game.
The difficulty for this game is impossible there is no way your going to beat this game on your first try. I have never beat this game! I have sworn at this game, threatened the game and shook the controller violently vowing to destroy it's creators . When you finally do pass a level you get a feeling that it was all worth it and forget all about the vows of death and instead hold a deep admiration for all that is Nintendo until you start the next level....