pieces Of Advice: Credit Where Credit Is Due
I'm still a pretty young guy and like many young people I like to spend my money. The big problem with this is sometimes to get what I need I'm am forced to spend money I don't have.
This mentality is what keeps the economy going. You have a job you work hard, you have your necessary expenses, you pay your bills and on top of that you deserve to have a little fun.
Eventually you decide you want to buy a car or a home and you can spend more than you have by simply using credit. Spending money you don't have then means you are working for the banks or credit companies until you can pay off your debt. This means you are getting less for your money in order to suit convenience. There is nothing wrong with doing this however. For example, your not going to save so you can buy a house twenty years from now when you need to live in it now. Your not going to wait to get a car if you need one to get to work. Borrowing money so you can live better is pretty much a fact of life for almost everyone.
The problem is after you have your vehicle a home, pay the bills buy necessities such as food and clothes people still feel they deserve to spend their money on extras. This is by no means impossible for most people. There are some people that make enough so they don't even really have to think about it. Almost anyone can easily get a credit card and pretty much buy any extras they want.
This can be big trouble for a lot of young adults. If your spending money on top of the money you already don't have your going to find yourself putting off some of the things you need in order to pay your debts. Perhaps stop paying the bills for awhile. Skip a meal or two. This is all fine and good if your single but what if you already have a family? Where could you possibly cut expenses? Can you afford to loose what you needed the credit for in the first place?
What you need to do is change your way of thinking. You need to realize although you deserve to spend the money you have earned you do not deserve to spend money you don't have on things you don't need! If you do, your not working for yourself, your working for credit companies. You are actually working against yourself.
But don't take my word for it. It's your life you can make your own mistakes. Just remember even a hippie has enough sense not to spend money he doesn't have.
1 comment:
Thank you for your comment. I was very surpised to see it there all of the sudden espically since I have not updated that blog in a long time.
Thank you for your advice and I admit. I am trying, but something in me keeps telling me it's no good.
But I guess it's the small voices in your head that keep you down and keep you from living.
Regardless. Thank you for you comment.
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