All Blogs Are Created Equal
This blog is not as great as some of the blogs out there but anyone can view it as easily as a greater blog if they choose to. You can watch a video of a guy getting kicked in the nuts just as easily as a video from NBC's site. What am I getting at?
Net neutrality ensures that your internet provider has no control over how or what you view on the internet. The phone and cable companies would prefer there is no such thing as net neutrality. They would prefer to be paid a premium for faster services exclusive to there network. It has already happened with free meduims like television and radio. Hopefully you won't let big corporations take the internet from you to.
If Net Neutrallity disappears a lesser site like mine could take precedent over a blog like or LUCYinLA if I paid a premium price. You don't want that do you?
With the internet in it's current state my blog will have to become greater than others to be viewed by more people. It is always left up to each individual user. That should be what the internet is all about!
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